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# Titolo articolo Autore Visite
241 PANIKK: 'Unbearable Conditions' Artwork Revealed BloodyMarha 929
242 SIGNS PREYER - Under The Sign of Rock'N'Roll Stefano 879
243 Cadaveria Live a Cagliari! Neni 1130
244 GO DOWN RECORDS ANNIVERSARY: 10 Years of Rock 'n' Roll (2003 - 2013) Stefano 814
245 Thraw Launches New Single: Doomsday Code Mara 891
246 Saxon: Esce Heavy Metal Thunder - The Movie Administrator 1228
247 To Die For neni 1050
248 Arch Enemy Italian Tour 2012 DraconianHell 1303
249 PANIKK finished the recording of the upcoming album! BloodyMarha 1129
250 Markus Keimel (Lydia's Gemston) solo-project BloodyMarha 1257
251 Metal Tank Records signs PANIKK! BloodyMarha 1425
252 Metal Tank Records signs VIGILANCE! BloodyMarha 1291
253 FAUST: DEATH METAL LIVE! Administrator 1288
254 Italy’s got voices!!! Neni 1720
255 FAUST: alla ricerca di un chitarrista Neni 1615
256 I Lydia's Gemstone realizzano un fumetto BloodyMarha 1531
257 Illogistic: la ricerca continua neni 1408
258 FAUST: lavori in corso e nuova line-up Neni 1292
259 Therion 011 Administrator 2255
260 Jeff Loomis and Van Williams of Nevermore Announce Their Departure Administrator 2031
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