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Intervista My Dying Bride
Scritto da Webmurder   
Martedì 05 Ottobre 2010 15:38

Intervista My Dying Bride



08 Maggio 2004
We have to give a big thank to Lisa (Peaceville Records) if it was possible for us to have this great conversation with Aaron, singer in the great doom-metal band My Dying Bride:

Webmurder: Let start with a little formality, the band presentation, even if you don’t need it.

Aaron: We formed back in 1990 and have just released our 8th studio LP. The current line up is Andrew – guitars, Hamish – guitars, Shaun – drums, Ade – bass, Sarah – keys and myself as the vocalist.    

Webmurder: Talking about your last work, what do you prefer about it (a song in particular, sounds, lyrics, atmospheres…) How sales and press reviews are going?

Aaron: I am very satisfied with the new LP and love “A Doomed Lover”. It represents everything about MDB. The sales have been very good and the press has also been favourable. We are very happy with “Songs of...” (Review)    

Webmurder: - One of the amazing thing is the continuity you were able to give to your works……one by one, each work follows the other in a perfect evolution. When you listen a MDB’s album for the first time you can feel the sound in 10” o less, without knowing it!
You’ve done it for 12 years and for 8 full length albums. How! What is your secret?

Aaron: I’m not sure there is a secret. We have been very lucky and we very much enjoy what we do and that is reflected in the music. We have no time for commerciality; we just get our heads down and create songs.    

Webmurder: Which is the best chapter of your history and discography, for you?
I like "Songs Of ......" very much, but I can’t never forget my first love with you, “Like Gods Of The Sun”.

Aaron: It’s different for everone. I love "Like Gods..." for years, but now love "Dreadful Hours". Many fans love "Turn Loose..." and "The Angel...".We all have a favourite!    

Webmurder: Do lineup changes influenced your work? How and how much?
Do MDB ever risked to split up? If yes, When and Why?

Aaron: Line-up changes will affect the way we work to a certain level depending on the contribution of the new member. Hamish has made a huge contribution and that is reflected in the popularity of the new LP. The core of the band (Aaron, Andrew, Ade) have been writing music for 13 years and so there will always be a familiar theme. We have never been close to splitting up although some fans expected a split around the release of “34.788%...Complete”, but that was never in our minds.    

Webmurder: Changing a little bit path, what can you say us about your lyrics? My opinion it’s that your lyrics are simply incredible in arguments and in particular because are very relating to sound and music. Probably everything it’s composed together, or which is the sequence?
Which are your inspirations? Love, dead, heaven, blood, vine and God….everything find a very important place in your songs, the important thing is to understand how they can hurt us!

Aaron: Sometimes the words come first and sometimes it’s the music. There is no formula for writing a song for MDB. Inspiration can come from anywhere; music, TV, movies, books, current affairs...I never use just one medium for influence because that would block out more unusual idea’s that may come from an unsuspecting area. Inspiration should flow over you from everywhere.    

Webmurder: A couple of years ago, I was in a bad time, in my mind and in my heart. I can say that you and your music saved me from a deeper hole……I cant understand why, but it happened! So it’s not difficult to imagine how I was feeling when I see your show in WOA 2002! Darkness was helping you there in Germany, but your great ally is your music each time.
How do you feel live dimension? What rappresents for you the audience, them shouts and their hands in the air?

Aaron: I am in my own world when I am on stage so I don’t really care what the audience are doing because I don’t really ‘see’ them. I am driven by the music and the atmosphere and the emotion. It’s very difficult for me on stage because I have to re-live my lyrics and some of them are personal so it hurts to sing them to hundreds of people.    

Webmurder: A curiosity that internet My Dying Bride audience wanna know: do your music, or your lyrics have any satanic or occult component? Something that the biggest part of the world don’t know?

Aaron: You will have to look deep into the words to see if there is any satanic references. Many emotions and passions can be hidden deep between the lines of my work and also in my artwork I never tell people what my true beliefs are and so they will have to search for themselves.    

Webmurder: Could you tell us something about your equipment? Which are your preferences, and if there something to know about your last recording session……

Aaron: I have no idea what gear the other guys use except that Ade has a Warwick, Andrew BC Rich and Hamish has a Gibson.    

Webmurder: What can you tell us about the English metal scene, I mean the underground? What do you know about Italian one? Which is your advice to an European growing metal band?

Aaron: I have not taken much interest in underground scenes because I feel that I may be accidentally influenced by another similar band to MDB and that is not good. I listen to other genres of music to get entertainment and passion. The ‘metal’ scene is what we live in, eat, sleep, work, play and so I need to escape to really relax.    

Webmurder: One of our readers asked what is the red line you have got on your right hand’s third finger. Is it a tattoo or something else, and what is the meaning?

Aaron: I changes for every show and is not a distinct pattern. I paint my fingers red for live shows because it represents the bloody grasp of hope that is always fading.    

Webmurder: Let’s go on with our readers questions……you might think to be in front of a couple of your biggest fans now……What is, for you, the reason why to combine clean and growl vocals has got a so big effect on the audience……not only in your case, but from where comes the idea to combine these different styles?

Aaron: I only have my voice as an instrument and so I must make the most of it, expand it, push it. It’s nice to try different styles because we also play different styles of music and so the vocal must work well with the music. I am enjoying experimenting with the vocal style at the moment and hope to continue with a few new idea’s on the next LP.    

Webmurder: Thanks a lot for your time, we hope you’ve enjoyed our questions and our curiosity. If you have something to say to our readers, in particular to your Italian fans this is your last chance ;)!!!

Aaron: We have always had a great time in Italy and we hope to return later this year or early next year for more shows. We all came to Italy a few years ago for a big band holiday and we had a wonderful time. It’s a great place.
